
At the Cross and Crescent Conference in Charleston, SC, I had the opportunity of hearing the testimony of Nabeel Qureshi who converted to Christianity from Islam. He was a dynamic speaker. I bought his book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, and have just finished reading it. It is an outstanding chronicle of his journey from being a devout American Muslim to becoming a Christian. I commend it to anyone who is interested in what is involved in convincing a Muslim of the truths of Christianity. It is also a great book to give to a Muslim because it respectfully honors his past religion and culture while presenting the arguments for Christ. It is easy to read and covers all the objections to Christianity from the Muslim perspective. It is also honestly personal as he shares his struggles and sorrows with fears of betraying his beloved father and mother. He has paid a great price in becoming a Christian.

It is also an interesting insight into the plight of American born Muslims who are torn between their family culture and the dominant Christian culture of the USA. While we hear of such Muslims being radicalized this book gives a picture of the opposite happening. It encourages us to befriend such Muslims and to share with them ourselves and our faith.

Nabeel completed his medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School, and earned an MA in Religion from Duke University and an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in New Testament studies at Oxford University where he lives with his wife, Michelle.

Dr. Qureshi is an itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and has lectured to students at over 100 universities. He has participated in 18 public debates around the world. He focuses on the foundations of the Christian faith, ancient Judaism, early Islam, and the interface of science and religion.