Senator Tim Scott has written a memoir and a love letter to America: A Redemption Story, subtitled, Choosing Hope, Creating Unity. He writes,

“I challenge you to become love in the face of hate. Choose optimism in the face of cynicism. Identify with grace rather than scorn. Step back from your knee-jerk reactions. Let go of your offense and do your best to understand that we are all coming from drastically different places with vastly different perspectives.

The story of America doesn’t belong to a particular group. It is our story. And every one of us is given the immense opportunity to add a chapter to that greater story of us. Ours is a story being written even as we breathe. It’s a story of love, redemption, mistakes, courage, anger, trial and error, and learning.

Every neighbor, every person you pass on the street, is adding a different flavor to our collective story. Be open to a new chapter. Be willing to be taught a new thing. Be willing to change. You aren’t right in all your beliefs, and neither am I. We all have blind spots, and a very large part of growing up is being willing to address them.”

He tells the stories of people who have influenced him. His grandfather and grandmother, his mother and even his Vietnam vet father whom he took years to understand, his mentors, his friends in the police force, his orthodontist, historical figures, the nine saints of Mother Emmanuel Church who were murdered and their families, all people of faith.

“If you are in a place right now where you feel as if all is lost and you can’t see a way forward and you’re all alone and can’t find a shred of meaning, know that redemption is close at hand. Make a decision to get up, to keep moving. Never play the role of victim when the role of hero is waiting for you.”

He does not deny the injustices of the past and his own experiences of racism, but he wants to appreciate just how far we have come. This is an inspirational book that is filled with his Christian faith, hope and love. I recommend it to you.