As I review my reading over the past year I am aware of its variety and eclectic nature. Some books are old and some quite contemporary. Lots of history and biography. My central preoccupation has been with the works of my mentor John Stott. I have ploughed through all that he has written from the 1960’s until the 1980’s and there is plenty still to go. I am impressed by his erudition, his profoundity, and his thoroughness in dealing with his subjects, which are wide-ranging. I will mention some of the most outstanding. Here is my reading list for 2019.

The New Authoritarianism: Trump, Popularism, and the Tyranny of Experts by Salvatore Babones. He explains the rise of popularists as in response to the control of the liberal elite. The challenging of the authority of America’s expert class in the media and academia.

Quentin Durward by Walter Scott. A 15th century historical novel.

The Virginians by W.M.Thackeray. The fortunes of an 18th century family.

St. Francis of Assisi by Elizabeth Goudge. Francis comes across as sadly misinformed about the Gospel. He emphasized asceticism as the means of redemption rather than the Cross of Christ. Works based theology rather than grace.

Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness by Stanly Hauerwas and Jean Vanier with an introduction by John Swinton. An excellent reflection on the virtue of disability and the ministry of L’Arche.

The Theft of America’s Soul: Blowing the Lid off the Lies that are Destroying our Country, by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. Surprisingly excellent and challenging. A personal memoir about his own journey from a hellraiser to a devout Christian.

Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Soren Kierkegaard by Clare Carlisle. A wonderful personal portrait of the Danish philosopher’s life and struggles to become an authentic human being and Christian.

Palau: A Life of Fire, The Spiritual Memoir of Luis Palau with Paul J. Pastor. Inspiring, challenging, a real spiritual booster of a man I have met, heard speak, and admired over the years who pays tribute to all those who he has learned from, supported and encouraged.

Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of his Life, edited by his wife, 1890. Magnificent record of one the 19th century Anglican clergy who made such an impact of good during his lifetime. Poet, Author, Social Reformer, Pastor, Preacher, Naturalist. Also his famous novel on 1855 that is still in print, Westward Ho! An adventure tale of the Elizabethan Age, the Spanish Armada and the Protestant-Catholic conflict.

The Genius of the People by Charles L. Mee Jr. A riveting account of the making of the U.S. Constitution with all the characters and their arguments. Very illuminating on the events of today and why we have such a unique constitution that balances and compromises all the alternatives.

Mr Rutledge of South Carolina by Richard Barry. An enthralling biography of one of our leading Founding Fathers responsible for the U.S. Constitution. Highly recommended if you can find a copy.

Rush: Revolution, Madness, the Visionary Doctor who became a Founding Father by Stephen Fried. An excellent biography of Dr Benjamin Rush.

The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy 1943-44 and The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe 1944-1945, by Rick Atkinson. The human narrative seen through diaries, reports and memoirs of what it cost in the lives of Allied soldiers to defeat the Germans. Was the cost justified? It did not seem as though the lessons of World War I were learned. Many of the political and military leaders come out badly. So much waste of human lives.

History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill and the History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900 by Andrew Roberts.

Sword at Sunset by Rosemary Sutcliffe. An imaginative retelling of the Arthurian legend by the celebrated award winning novelist.

Books by John Stott

Christian Counter-Culture: The Message of the Sermon on the Mount. Superb. Balanced and thorough in its interpretation and application.

Focus on Christ. The central issue of Christianity.

Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching in the Twentieth Century. A classic. Should be compulsory reading for any preacher. Give your pastor a copy!

Issues Facing Christians Today. A tour de force of contemporary social and cultural issues.

The Cross of Christ. Profound. Worth meditating on. Inspirational.