The Advent Wreath is meant to visually remind us of the themes of the season through the increasing coming of light to dispel darkness in the coming of the Messiah. Each Sunday a candle is lit with readings and prayers to emphasize the theme of the day. For example, the first Sunday in Advent can represent the Patriarchs, the second Sunday the Prophets, the third Sunday John the Baptist, the fourth Sunday the Virgin Mary and Christmas Day Jesus Christ.

Each of the four Sundays then reminds us of those who prepared for the coming of Christ. The Patriarchs can focus on Abraham, our father in faith and David the ancestor of Jesus in whose city he was born. The Prophets gives an opportunity to reflect to reflect on the way the birth of the Messiah was foretold. John who proclaimed the Savior and Mary who bore him in her womb, complete the picture. I will provide prayers to reflect these four themes each Sunday.

Advent 1

Blessed are you, Sovereign Lord, God of our ancestors: to you be praise and glory for ever! You called the patriarchs to live by the light of faith and to journey in the hope of your promised fulfilment. May we be obedient to your call and be ready and watchful to receive Christ, a lamp to our feet and a light to our path; for you are our light and our salvation. Blessed be God for ever.

God of Abraham and Sarah and all the patriarchs of old, you are our Father too. Your love is revealed to us in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of David. Help us in preparing to celebrate his birth to make our hearts ready for your Holy Spirit to make his home among us. We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Light who is coming into the world.

Lord Jesus, Light of the world, born in David’s city of Bethlehem, born like him to be a king: be born in us this Christmastide, be king of our lives today. Amen.